Luzius Cavelti
Luzius Cavelti est professeur de droit fiscal à l'Université de Bâle. Il exerce dans le domaine du droit fiscal national et international et il représente fréquemment des clients dans le cadre de procédures fiscales devant les administrations et les tribunaux suisses. Luzius est également reconnu pour son expertise en matière de fusions et d'acquisitions, de restructuration et de financement de sociétés. Par ailleurs, il établit régulièrement des avis de droit traitant de questions fiscales suisses et internationales. Entre autres fonctions, il est notamment rédacteur de la revue juridique en ligne "Center for Swiss and International Tax Law".
Luzius Cavelti
Altenburger Ltd legal + tax
Seestrasse 39, 8700 Küsnacht-Zurich
- Depuis 2019 Professeur de droit fiscal à l'Université de Bâle
- Depuis 2016 Associé auprès de l'étude Altenburger
- 2012-2016 Collaborateur auprès de l'étude Tappolet & Partner, Zurich
- 2011-2012 Chercheur en droit fiscal international, Université de Harvard, Boston
- 2005-2009 Collaborateur auprès de l'étude Lenz & Staehelin, Zurich
- 2003 Avocat Stagiaire auprès de l'étude Lenz & Staehelin, Zurich
- 2015 Doctorat en droit, Université de Berne, avec mention summa cum laude, récompensé par the le Prix Walther Hug
- 2011 LL.M., Columbia School of Law, New York, avec mention (bourse James Kent)
- 2008 Diplôme d'expert fiscale, spécialisation en droit fiscal international
- 2006 Admission au barreau, Zurich
- 2003 Licence en droit avec mention magna cum laude, Université de Fribourg
- 2000-2001 Boursier Erasmus , Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg III
Admission au barreau / au tribunal
Auprès de tous les tribunaux suisses
Activités extra-curriculaires
- Professeur de droit fiscal à l'Université de Bâle
- Rédacteur de la revue de droit fiscal suisse et international
- Membre de la direction de l'Institut de droit fiscal suisse et international
- Membre du conseil d'administration de la Cavelti AG (entreprise familiale située à Gossau SG)
- Membre du comité de l'International Fiscal Association (IFA) Suisse
Luzius Cavelti is widely considered by peers to be "an extremely intelligent, excellent and trustworthy practitioner" when it comes to the full spectrum of taxation matters.
Luzius Cavelti is widely considered by peers to be "an extremely intelligent, excellent and trustworthy practitioner" when it comes to the full spectrum of taxation matters.
Luzius Cavelti is "a renowned tax expert" who is "very easy to work with".
Luzius Cavelti is "a renowned tax expert" who is "very easy to work with".
“Luzius Cavelti has an 'excellent reputation' among sources who commend his significant experience in tax litigation proceedings.”
“Luzius Cavelti has an 'excellent reputation' among sources who commend his significant experience in tax litigation proceedings.”
“I've been working with Altenburger since 2016. They have supported me both personally and professionally and always went the extra mile. Thierry Thormann's corporate/M&A team and Luzi Cavelti's tax team are very professional, pragmatic, business-minded and experienced. I would highly recommend Altenburger to anyone looking for a law firm in Switzerland.” (April 2021)
“I've been working with Altenburger since 2016. They have supported me both personally and professionally and always went the extra mile. Thierry Thormann's corporate/M&A team and Luzi Cavelti's tax team are very professional, pragmatic, business-minded and experienced. I would highly recommend Altenburger to anyone looking for a law firm in Switzerland.” (April 2021)
“We relied on Altenburger's services to structure our shareholders’ agreement, to define our employee participation program from a legal and tax perspective, and also to structure our international expansion in a tax-efficient manner. Not only was the legal and tax input from Thierry Thormann and Luzi Cavelti highly valuable, but we also appreciated the fact that we received substantial best-practices feedback from a busines perspective from them.”
“We relied on Altenburger's services to structure our shareholders’ agreement, to define our employee participation program from a legal and tax perspective, and also to structure our international expansion in a tax-efficient manner. Not only was the legal and tax input from Thierry Thormann and Luzi Cavelti highly valuable, but we also appreciated the fact that we received substantial best-practices feedback from a busines perspective from them.”
“We were very pleased with the fast and pragmatic definition and implementation of our legal setup including our stock option plan. Thierry Thormann, Luzi Cavelti and their teams were very responsive, client-oriented and results-driven, which distinguished them from other legal partners we worked with.”
“We were very pleased with the fast and pragmatic definition and implementation of our legal setup including our stock option plan. Thierry Thormann, Luzi Cavelti and their teams were very responsive, client-oriented and results-driven, which distinguished them from other legal partners we worked with.”