Rencontrez les professionnels d'Altenburger

Depuis 1978, nous n'avons cessé de renforcer notre position et notre réputation en tant que cabinet de droit commercial international. Evoluer d'une petite boutique de droit fiscal à un cabinet de droit commercial offrant un service complet a été une véritable aventure et elle est loin d'être achevée...

Témoignages de nos clients et confrères

Le plus important pour nous est de conserver la confiance de nos clients en leur fournissant des résultats notables.

Cela dit, nous sommes évidemment heureux lorsque la qualité de nos services est reconnue publiquement. Voici quelques-unes des disctinctions que nous avons reçues de la part de nos clients et de nos pairs ces dernières années.

Roger Meister, CEO / Partner, 2XIdeas

“We relied on Altenburger's services to structure our shareholders’ agreement, to define our employee participation program from a legal and tax perspective, and also to structure our international expansion in a tax-efficient manner. Not only was the legal and tax input from Thierry Thormann and Luzi Cavelti highly valuable, but we also appreciated the fact that we received substantial best-practices feedback from a busines perspective from them.”

Roger Meister, PDG / Partenaire, 2XIdeas
Kaspar Adank, Founder and CEO of Soobr

"Thierry Thormann and Ralph Imoberdorf have the economic understanding and entrepreneurial mindset to ensure a sound legal structuring of a start-up within the framework of an optimal benefit-cost ratio. With their support, we have been able to close two rounds of financing cost-effectively and on advantageous terms."

Kaspar Adank, fondateur et PDG de Soobr

Notre étude et nos avocats sont régulièrement répertoriés dans des classements indépendants. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection de ces distinctions.

A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Lexology Index 2025
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Bilanz/Le Temps 2024
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Who’s Who Legal 2024
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Leaders League 2024
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Who’s Who Legal 2023
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2023
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Bilanz/Le Temps 2023
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2022
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Leaders League 2023
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Who’s Who Legal 2022
A petrol coloured bullet point on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.Click here to see more info on this section on the website of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Bilanz/Le Temps 2022



Altenburger Ltd legal + tax

Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 11bis

1206 Genève

+41 58 810 22 33
+41 58 810 22 35


Altenburger Ltd legal + tax

Via P. Lucchini 7

6900 Lugano

+41 58 810 22 44
+41 58 810 22 45


Altenburger Ltd legal + tax

Seestrasse 39

8700 Küsnacht-Zurich

+41 58 810 22 22
+41 58 810 22 25